Yoga is connection, waking up, coming back to ourselves, again and again and again. The forms are super cool templates and explorations in which to ultimately realize the truth of who we are. Whole. Complete. An integral part of this vast and unfathomable universe. Heart and space.
The foundation of my yoga practice and what I teach is vinyasa yoga. Vinyasa is a Sanskrit word which means ‘To place in a special way”. There are literally countless interpretations as to what this means, exactly, and for me the essence of vinyasa is to connect to breath as the grounding and spacious thread which weaves through every movement -and every moment- of our lives. In a shocking (to me!) revelation, the more that I skillfully utilize my steady and deep breathing in my yoga practice, the more I can regulate my nervous system, my body, and therefore my life. I’m also a huge proponent of slow and spontaneous movement. Our bodies hold our innate intelligence, and by slowing down and listening in to what our bodies are asking for in the moment, I’ve discovered amazing healing for both myself and my clients.
I would love to share these practices with you, either privately (online or in person) or in group classes. Check the homepage for updated information on classes and workshops. Message me for more info on working one to one.